Native One


October 2o, 21,22
Mariposa, CA
Oka 'Uuchum - meaning "home, that is all," in Southern Sierra Miwuk. Join us October 20, 21, 22 for an ancestral skills gathering of hide tanning, archery, wild Indigenous foods, ancestral craft, song and circles. The Oka 'Uuchum Ancestral Lifeways Tribal Gathering is nestled in the Sierra Foothills of Mariposa, territory of Southern Sierra Miwuk Nation/Yosemite Paiute and surrounding foothill tribes. Mariposa is the abundant, traditional land of many, many of our ancestors. Around every corner, along every creek bed, local Native community find ancestral sacred sites and grinding rocks where our tribal people live(d) and have continued to thrive for generations. 'Uuchum, our home, is lush with seasonal Indigenous wild foods, fresh sierra snowmelt, majestic rivers and ancient ancestral teachings.

Hide Tanning w/ Jay Sliwa

october 20, 21, 22
9am - 4pm
3 day class
Learn how to tan your own buckskin hide using traditional brain tanning techniques. In this three day class you will learn the process of preserving a deer hide with all traditional practices of using the animals own brain to tan a hide for traditional regalia and clothing making.
This three day class intensive includes fleshing, braining, stretching and smoking the hide. Tanning a hide in the traditional way is building a relationship with the sacred animal that offered its life. Students must commit to all three days of the process and journey. Please be aware that hide tanning is very physically intense. If you require assistance or accommodations to participate in this class, please note that in your registration form. Sign-ups are limited. Southern Sierra Miwuk and tribal locals are given priority.
Class taught by Jay Sliwa, a traditional tanning artist with 25 years of experience, and assisted by Tiśina Parker/Native One, a local SSM tribal member and regalia maker.
Archery w/ Modoc Bows

October 21 & 22
10am - 4pm
Join Drop-In for 2 days of archery with Indigenous bow maker Joshua Hood of Modoc Bows. Take your aim on our archery range, learn shooting techniques, experience traditional hunting practices of archery, traditional archery as recreation or leisure and as an invitation to reconnection. Archery range is open to all people ages 7 & up. Youth under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
bow & tell class
October 22
1pm - 2pm
After two days of taking your shot on our archery range, join Joshua for a “Bow
& Share” about materials and preparation to make your own traditional bow and arrow. Joshua will be sharing his experience, success and failure with the bow & arrow craft. He will also share In depth about his findings as an Indigenous bow maker and how it has evolved to become a staple in his sobriety and wellness.
Wild Indigenous Foods

October 22 - 5pm
Community Dinner & tastings
w/ music by john paul hodge
Join community in sacred, ancestral foods while enjoying soulful music by Indigenous singer/songwriter John Paul Hodge. Wild Indigenous foods dinner may include venison tacos with local handmade tortillas, a variety of kaw:ach/elderberry postres, táma/sourberry treats, greens, acorn side and manzanita berry cider or agua de tuna (cactus fruit juice). Wild foods collected and harvested in Mariposa, CA by Cocinas Indígenas Nómada & Native One, others hunted/caught in California. Additional foods provided by local farmers and producers. Dinner Service is limited. Please RSVP.
Traditional Craft & Circles

October 21 & 22 - 10am - 4pm
program info Below
Indigenous Lifeways Circles: Drop-In for Ancestral craft, traditional Southern Sierra Miwuk/Yosemite Paiute song circles, clapper stick making, basket materials preparation, traditional bow making "bow & tell", dogbane twine making, inter-tribal drum, fem healing circle, learn about wild Indigenous foods, native plants, pollinator relatives and more! Cultural drop-in classes hosted and facilitated by SSMN tribal members, surrounding tribal members and Mariposa inter-tribal Indigenous community members.

Learn More:
for program questions
EMail: river@mariposaartscouncil.org
Oka 'Uuchum is funded by the Mariposa County Arts Council, the California Arts Council through the Innovations & Intersections grant program & CAC Individual Artist Fellowship
chūtūy & ya'whi program funders: